Version information
For information about installation and use of the application please see manual.
Neurobit Driver updated to v. 5.4.
Neurobit Recorder will have the same version as Neurobit Driver from now on.
Accelerated processing of data from a device.
Neurobit Driver update to v. 5.2.
Neurobit Loader update to v. 5.5.
Introduction of Neurobit Optima/Optima+ BLE device models.
Neurobit Driver update to v. 5.0.
Neurobit Driver update to v. 4.10.
Neurobit Driver update to v. 4.9.
Neurobit Driver update to v. 4.8.
Changing the "Time limit" on the Session tab during recording now takes effect (after that a user should return to the Record tab).
Neurobit Driver updated to v. 4.6.7.
Protection against connection failure due to double click of the Test or Record button.
Increased resolution of digital indicators for tested impedances below 100 kOhm.
Corrected import of settings from NO+2* to NO+4* devices.
Resolved problem with the Session/"Realtime signal view" option on 64-bit systems.
Neurobit Driver updated to ver. 4.0, including:
Support for 6 new device models, including Neurobit Optima+.
EEG cap tab added for devices with cap interface (Neurobit Optima+ 4).
Support of extra digital channel in Neurobit Optima+ (used to mark events with a button, for example).
Controls of list parameters with only one option are now shown inactive.
Automatic filling of a channel label
when channel profile and/or EEG cap connection is changed manually on
a channel tab or via the cap tab.
The label set this way can be still extended manually afterwards.
Thresholds of impedance test indicators have been lowered to 10 kOhm (warning-yellow) and 30 kOhm (error-red).
The parameter "Sum disconnected" is now set for temperature selected as a channel function.
Better width adjustment of text list fields.
Interoperation with EDFBrowser freeware enabling to view recorded EDF signals in real time (with "Realtime signal view" option checked on the Session tab).
"Import device settings" command (F4) in the File menu, enabling to import configuration of different, but adequate device model, to current device (e.g. from NO-2 to NO-4).
The latest Neurobit Driver ver. 3.7 has been included.
Removed bug appearing when sample rate in some channel was set to maximum (2000sps), while some other enabled channel(s) had sample rate below 125sps. In such case EDF file contents were incorrect.
Shortcut keys F1, F2 and F3 have been added for menu options Help/Documentation, File/"Save device settings" and File/"Load device settings" accordingly.
Removed bug: in rare cases the application crashed when changing a channel setting having dependencies (e.g. "Channel profile" or "Channel function" influencing other channel parameters).
Correction of frequency band limits given in EDF file header (LP and HP frequencies were exchanged).
Impedance bars on Test tab are now more accurate.
Alternative extension "NBC" for configuration files has been added.
Neurobit Driver has been updated to
ver. 3.2.3.
Especially, "Power mains frequency" setting is now read from the system
registry, not from configuration file.
Neurobit Driver has been updated to
ver. 3.1.
When "Device address" field is emptied manually, the default address is now automatically set.
Neurobit Driver has been updated to
ver. 3.0.6.
However, changes are fully effective for Optima devices with
firmware version 1.0.1
or newer (nevertheless, compatibility with Optima firmware 1.0 is preserved).
© Neurobit Systems, 2010-2024